Sell better with value propositions

Today, you’ll learn how to use value propositions to generate interest among your target audience – and boost your sales.

What are value propositions? How do I develop them – and how do I distinguish good ones from the bad? That’s exactly what we’re going to show you today. The goal: clear value proposition for your product, with which you can make your conversions skyrocket. This manual is based on Julian Shapiros Growth Handbook.

Why value propositions are important

Users come to your website and decide in a split second whether to stay or not. That’s why it’s important that you cast your line beforehand – and that the user bites as soon as he sees it.
And what is the bait? Clear, interesting value propositions for your product.

What Value Props are – and how they are created

In a value proposition, we combine the quality of your product with a benefit for your target group. Okay – and how does that work? Let’s say you sell vegetarian bowls made from raw foods. The qualities of your product would be fast and healthy. Let’s get healthy with three resulting benefits together and find value props.

Quality: Healthy Advantage: Functionality
Value Prop: Fill up on all the nutrients you need.
Quality: Healthy Advantage: Productivity
Value Prop: Create more with vitamin bombs.
Quality: Healthy Advantage: Energy level
Value Prop: No more lunchtime slump.

All Value Props are based on the quality of healthy but show different results of this quality. Here’s how to find the value proposition for your product.
Still, question marks in your eyes? No problem. Let’s look at another example. Let’s say you sell a user-friendly project management tool and we simply just build on the quality.

Quality: Simple Advanatge: Overview
Value Prop: Keep the overview – and your project under control.
Quality: Simple Advanatge: User-friendly
Value Prop: This tool even techies like to use.

Not so difficult, is it? You don’t have to be as creative as possible – but as interesting as possible. Pinterest is the fishing rod you use to land customers.
You want your target audience to think: Hey, that sounds exciting. Maybe I should give that a try.

Framework for finding value props

To help you find Value Props quickly and easily, we explain Julian Shapiro’s framework.
This framework is a process in which you develop interesting value propositions. You can use this process for anything: Websites, ads, emails, calls, and many other communication channels.
The framework consists of four steps and three columns:

  • In the first column, write the undesirable situations and alternatives people face when they don’t use your product. Describe what is bad about it. (Scroll down to see an example).
  • Take the first column as a basis and write in the second column all the things that make your product better than the poor alternative.
  • In the third column, write your target groups or personas and 2-3 results each that this persona wants from your product. This column reminds you of who you want to sell your product.
  • In the last step, you compare the points in the second column with the wishes of your personas in the third column. Everything that does not match flies out of the 2nd column.

Now in the 2nd column should be the Value Propositions that you will have the most success with. You found them by identifying and addressing your target audience’s biggest pain points. Easy, huh?
Because you align yourself with the pain points of your target group (column 1), your value props (column 2) fall on open ears.
That way, you’ll make sure to emphasize the benefits of your product that your customers want – and not some features that aren’t strong selling points.
If you need help finding value propositions, you can book a workshop with us.

Good vs. bad value props

Concrete and well visualized.
“Flexibility” is not concrete enough.
Concrete and well visualized.
What does “more” mean? Say it directly!
Speed at the center.
That’s anything but specific.

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